Flowering plantsLooking for a flowering houseplant? At Green Bubble you can buy unique plants that are normally hard or impossible to find...Whatsapp with our Personal PlantshopperPersonal plant shopper Whatsapp us Filter2 ProductsShow:12243672Sort by:Sort byDefaultPopularityNewest productsLowest priceHighest priceName ascendingName descending This product cannot be shipped to your chosen country. Still interested in the plant? Contact the personal plantshopper Add to cartLogin for wishlist #1# 70 cm #2# 12cmSpotted World orchidee (Phalaenopsis) - 70cmAs of 17,95 This product cannot be shipped to your chosen country. Still interested in the plant? Contact the personal plantshopper Add to cartLogin for wishlist #1# 90 cm #2# 30cmAnthurium Arrow - 90cmAs of 119,95